- He made up for the part of an old man. 他化装扮演一个老头儿。
- She felt again the twitch of an old wound. 她又一次感到旧伤突然一阵剧痛。
- He is the hero of an old legend. 他是一个古老传说中的英雄。
- In the opera he plays the part of an old peasant. 他在戏里扮一位老农。
- The hull of an old,unseaworthy,or wrecked ship. 废船舶体旧的,无法航行或失事了的船的外壳
- No, I'm just reminding you of an old lesson. 不是,我只是提醒你记住一个古老的教训。
- The best wine come out of an old vessel. 老容出美酒。
- The young man is on the right of an old man. 小伙子在老头子的右边。
- He traced out the site of an old castle. 他勾划出一座城堡的遗址。
- A short visit by an old friend triggers Wanee's aching memories of her first love - her stepbrother. 一天,韵儿的昔日挚友登门造访,一段早被埋藏的情感记忆再度浮现心头。
- They have created a new factory out of an old ruin. 他们在废墟上创办了一座新工厂。
- That old film evoked memories of my childhood. 那部旧影片唤起我对童年的回忆。
- The hull of an old, unseaworthy, or wrecked ship. 废船舶体旧的,无法航行或失事了的船的外壳
- This is a piece of an old plough. 这是一款老式犁具。
- No,I'm just reminding you of an old lesson. 不是,我只是提醒你记住一个古老的教训。
- That old movie evoked memories of my childhood. 那部旧电影唤起了我童年的记忆。
- It's a jazzed up version of an old tune. 这是把一段古老的曲调翻新了。
- We used the branch of an old tree as a seat. 我们坐在一棵老树的树杈上。
- The odour summoned up memories of my childhood. 这气味使我回忆起孩提时代。
- A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them. 一个戴着假面具扮演老妇的人加入了他们的行列。